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Privacy Policy

February 16, 2023 by noorahmed

Table of Content

  1. Personal Information We Collect
  2. How We Use the Information We Collect
  3. Sharing and Disclosure
  4. Third-Party Partners and Integrations
  5. Your Rights
  6. Security
  7. Changes to This Privacy Policy
  8. Contact Information and Responsible GUESSTA Entities


  1. Personal Information We Collect

At GUESSTA, safeguarding your privacy is paramount, and we collect various types of personal information to ensure the seamless provision of our services. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the personal information we collect and how we utilize it:


  • Contact Information:

When you sign up for an account on GUESSTA, We gather essential account details, such as your name, email address, phone number, and password. This information is necessary to create and manage your account, facilitate bookings, and communicate with you about your reservations and account activity.


  • Profile Information:

Enhancing your GUESSTA experience is our priority, and thus, we may collect additional data such as your profile picture, username, preferred language, booking history, profile rating and any other preferences you share to tailor our services to your needs.


  • Booking and Reservation Details:

When you make a reservation through GUESSTA, we collect information regarding your booking, including your stay dates,the property you’ve booked, the number of guests, and any special requests or requirements you may have. This information is necessary to facilitate your reservation and to ensure a seamless booking experience.


  • Payment Information:

To facilitate secure transactions, we collect payment details such as you credit card or debit card information, billing address, and other relevant payment data through trusted payment processing services. In addition, we may collect bank account information for direct bank transfers, ensuring a convenient payment process for our users.


  • Communication History:

When you communicate with us or other users through our platform (e.g., via messaging features or customer support channels), we may collect and store the content of your communications, as well as metadata such as timestamps and sender/receiver information. This helps us provide customer support, resolve disputes, and improve our services.


  • Location Information:

With your consent, we may collect precise location data from your device to provide location-based services, such as displaying nearby properties or local recommendations. You can control location sharing preferences through your device or within our platform settings.


  • Device Information:

We automatically collect certain information about your device and how you interact with our platform, including your IP address, browser type, operating system, device identifiers, and usage patterns. This information helps us optimize our platform, detect and prevent fraud, and improve the overall user experience.


  • Third-Party Applications:

When youintegrateyour GUESSTA account with third-party applications such as Facebook and Google for sign up and registration purposes, we may collect information from the integrated applications as governed by their respective privacy policies and terms of service.


  • Guest Travel Insurance Partners:

When partnering with travel insurance providers, we may share relevant personal information to facilitate insurance coverage for your travel plans, ensuring peace of mind during your stay.


  • Complainants:

In the event of complaints or disputes, we collect and process information from complainants to investigate and resolve issues effectively while maintaining confidentiality and privacy.


  • Feedback and Reviews:

Your feedback and reviews play a crucial in shaping the GUESSTA experience for all users. Therefore, we may collect and analyze feedback and reviews you provide to improve our services, resolve issues, and enhance guest satisfaction.


1.12. Demographic Information:

Understanding our user demographics helps us tailor our services to better meet your needs. Therefore, we may collect demographic information such as age, gender, and interests to improve the relevance of our offerings and marketing communications.


  • Preferences and Interests:

To personalize your experience on the GUESSTA platform, we may collect information about your preferences, interests, and past interactions with our services, allowing us to offer tailored recommendations and enhance user experience.


  • Other Information:

We may collect additional information voluntarily provided by you or automatically gathered through cookies, tracking technologies, and analytics tools to improve our services and personalize your experience on GUESSTA.

By transparently outlining our data collection practices and commitments, we aim to foster trust and ensure that your privacy remains protected while using the GUESSTA platform.



  1. How We Use the Information We Collect

At GUESSTA, we are committed to utilizing the information we collect responsibly and transparently to enhance your experience on our platform. Here’s an overview of how we use the information we gather:


2.1. Personalization of Services:

We use the information you provide to personalize your experience on the GUESSTA platform. This includes tailoring search results, accommodation recommendations, and marketing communications to match your preferences, interests, and past interactions with our services.


2.2. Booking and Reservation Management:

Your booking and reservation details are utilized to facilitate the booking process, manage reservations, and provide you with access to the accommodations you’ve selected. We use this information to communicate booking confirmations, updates, and any relevant details related to your stay.


2.3. Payment Processing:

Information collected for payment processing purposes is used to facilitate secure transactions, verify payment details, and prevent fraudulent activity. We work with trusted payment processing partners to ensure the confidentiality and security of your financial information.


2.4. Communication and Support:

We use your contact information and communication history to facilitate communication between guests and hosts, respond to inquiries and requests for assistance, and provide customer support throughout your journey with GUESSTA.


2.5. Service Improvement and Optimization:

Your feedback, reviews, and interactions with our platform help us identify areas for improvement and optimize our services to better meet your needs. We analyze usage patterns, preferences, and user feedback to enhance the functionality, performance, and user experience of the GUESSTA platform.


2.6. Marketing and Promotions:

With your consent, we may use your information to send you promotional offers, marketing communications, and personalized recommendations about accommodations, travel experiences, and related services that may be of interest to you. You have the option to opt out of marketing communications at any time.


2.7. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

We may use your information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, including tax obligations, fraud prevention, and enforcement of our terms of service. This may involve sharing information with regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies when required by law.


2.8. Research and Analytics:

We conduct research and analytics to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and trends, which helps us improve our services and make informed business decisions. This may involve aggregating and analyzing anonymized data to identify patterns and trends without identifying individual users.


2.9. Partnerships and Integrations:

We may use your information in partnership with third-party service providers and integrations to enhance the functionality and features of the GUESSTA platform. This may include integrating with travel insurance partners, financial institutions, and other service providers to offer additional services and benefits to our users.


By outlining how we use the information we collect in a transparent and comprehensive manner, we aim to build trust and confidence in the GUESSTA platform while ensuring the protection of your privacy and personal data.



  1. Sharing and Disclosure

Ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information is our top priority at GUESSTA. We are committed to limiting the sharing and disclosure of your data to only those circumstances necessary to provide our services effectively. Here’s how we handle sharing and disclosure of your information:


3.1. Sharing with Hosts:

To facilitate bookings and reservations, we share relevant information with hosts, including your name, contact details, booking preferences, and any special requests you may have. This information enables hosts to prepare for your stay and provide you with a personalized experience.


3.2. Trusted Partners and Service Providers:

We may engage trusted partners and service providers to assist us in delivering our services, such as payment processors, marketing agencies, and customer support providers. These third parties are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and are only permitted to use your information in accordance with our instructions and for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.


3.3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

We may disclose your information when required to comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal processes, or government requests. This may include responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal inquiries, as well as cooperating with law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities as necessary.


3.4. Protection of Rights and Safety:

We may disclose your information when we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of GUESSTA, our users, or others. This includes preventing fraud, enforcing our terms of service, investigating potential violations, or responding to security threats or incidents.


3.5. Business Transfers:

In the event of a merger, acquisition, restructuring, or sale of assets, your information may be transferred as part of the transaction. We will notify you of any such change in ownership or control of your personal information and ensure that the transferee agrees to uphold the terms of this privacy policy.


3.6. Anonymized and Aggregated Data:

We may share anonymized and aggregated data with third parties for research, analytics, and statistical purposes. This data does not identify individual users and is used to analyze trends, measure the effectiveness of our services, and improve the overall user experience.


3.7. With Your Consent:

We will obtain your consent before sharing your information with third parties for purposes not outlined in this privacy policy. You have the option to opt in or opt out of specific data sharing activities, marketing communications, or promotional offers at any time.


  1. Third-Party Partners and Integrations:


At GUESSTA, we collaborate with trusted third-party partners and integrate with external platforms to enhance the functionality and features of our services. We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information when engaging with third parties. Here’s how we handle third-party partnerships and integrations:


4.1. Partner Services and Integrations:

We may integrate with third-party services, applications, and platforms to provide you with additional features, benefits, and functionalities. These integrations may include travel insurance partners, payment processors, mapping services, and social media platforms. When you choose to use these integrated services, your information may be shared with or collected by the third party in accordance with their privacy policies.


4.2. Data Sharing with Third Parties:

When you interact with third-party partners or integrations through the GUESSTA platform, your information may be shared with them to facilitate the provision of their services or to improve your user experience. This may include sharing your booking details, preferences, and usage data with travel insurance partners, financial institutions, or social media platforms, as necessary to fulfill their obligations or enhance their services.


4.3. Privacy Policies of Third Parties:

We encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of service of third-party partners and integrations before engaging with their services through the GUESSTA platform. These third parties may have their own data collection, use, and sharing practices, which are governed by their respective privacy policies and terms of service. GUESSTA is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of third-party websites or services.


4.4. Consent and Opt-Out Options:

Your consent is required before we share your information with third-party partners or integrations for purposes not outlined in this privacy policy. You have the option to opt in or opt out of specific data sharing activities, integrations, or promotional offers at any time. We respect your choices and preferences regarding the sharing of your personal information with third parties.


4.5. Security and Confidentiality:

We take measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information when shared with third-party partners and integrations. We require our partners to implement appropriate technical and organizational safeguards to protect your data and to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations.


4.6. User Control and Transparency:

We provide you with transparency and control over the sharing of your information with third parties. You can manage your privacy settings, consent preferences, and data sharing permissions through your account settings on the GUESSTA platform. We strive to empower you to make informed decisions about the use and disclosure of your personal information.


  1. Your Rights

At GUESSTA, we are dedicated to upholding your rights and ensuring that you have control over your personal information. We recognize the importance of transparency, accountability, and user empowerment when it comes to data privacy. Here, we outline your rights regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information:


5.1. Right to Access Your Information:

You have the right to access and review the personal information we hold about you. This includes details such as your profile information, booking history, communication records, and any other data collected during your interactions with the GUESSTA platform. You can request access to your information by contacting our support team or accessing your account settings.


5.2. Right to Rectify Inaccurate Data:

If you believe that any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request corrections or updates to ensure its accuracy. You can update your personal information directly through your account settings or contact us to request assistance with rectifying any inaccuracies.


5.3. Right to Data Portability:

You have the right to request a copy of your personal information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, allowing you to transfer it to another service provider if desired. This facilitates data portability and empowers you to maintain control over your information across different platforms.


5.4. Right to Withdraw Consent:

If you have previously provided consent for the collection, use, or sharing of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You can manage your consent preferences through your account settings or by contacting our support team. Please note that withdrawing consent may impact your ability to access certain features or services on the GUESSTA platform.


5.5. Right to Object to Processing:

You have the right to object to certain processing activities involving your personal information, such as direct marketing or profiling. If you object to specific processing activities, we will cease processing your information for those purposes unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for continued processing or if it is required for legal reasons.


5.6. Right to Erasure:

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion or removal of your personal information from our systems. This includes situations where your information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or if you withdraw your consent for processing and there is no other legal basis for retaining it.


5.7. Right to Restrict Processing:

You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal information under certain circumstances. This includes situations where you contest the accuracy of your data, the processing is unlawful, or you object to the processing pending verification of legitimate grounds.


5.8. Right to Lodge a Complaint:

If you believe that your data protection rights have been violated or that we have not adequately addressed your concerns regarding the handling of your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority or data protection regulator.


  1. Security

At GUESSTA, we prioritize the security and confidentiality of your personal information. We employ robust technical, organizational, and administrative measures to safeguard your data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Our security practices include encryption, access controls, regular system audits, and ongoing monitoring to detect and mitigate potential security threats. While we strive to maintain the highest standards of security, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security, but we are committed to continuously enhancing our security measures to protect your information.


  1. Changes to This Privacy Policy:

GUESSTA may periodically update or modify this privacy policy to reflect changes in our business practices, legal requirements, or technological advancements. We will notify you of any material changes to this policy by posting the updated version on our website or through other communication channels. We encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed about how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Your continued use of the GUESSTA platform following the posting of any changes to this policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.


  1. Contact Information and Responsible GUESSTA Entities:

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the handling of your personal information by GUESSTA, please contact our Privacy Team [email protected]. You may also reach out to us by mail. Our Privacy Team is dedicated to addressing your privacy-related concerns and ensuring compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. The responsible GUESSTA entities for the purposes of data protection may vary depending on your jurisdiction of residence.